Star came over this weekend, so we decided to try and make steak for dinner! It was both of our first times, and we kind of just went into it blind. We bought the cheapest cut we could find, and seasoned it with everything in my cabinet. Somehow, it still wasn't seasoned enough.
It was our first time basting, which was really fun. But I think we ended up cooking it on too high heat, because it was overcooked on the outside and undercooked inside. It was still delicious though, and we will just try again next time!
We paired the steak with some rice and bok choy. I went a little crazy on the seasonings with my bok choy, so it ended up being soooo salty... lesson learned for next time.
Overall, it was a really fun experience, and it was exciting to try something new together. We'll also know what not to do next time, so it'll be much better when we try it again!
My friends and I were shopping at the Asian market, and I was determined to try something new. I asked A_L, how about we make pork belly together? We're both always hyped and loud together, so we made a bit of a scene out of excitement. We decided that because we both don't know how to cook, this would be even more exciting due to our lack of expectations.
We ended up inviting J_J over, who is actually an amazing cook. It was all of our first times preparing bok choy though, and I gotta say we did great. Even after being friends for three years now, I learned today that they are the type of people to wash your dishes no matter how much you tell them "It's fine, I got it!"
We washed the food down with some childhood asian drinks. Overall I think we did a great job, and I'm happy that I learned how to prepare my favorite vegetables.
Beginning this cooking journey with one of my comfort meals. Before K_S graduated, she would always invite me over for japanese curry. I've been craving it extra.
I accidentally bought a pre-made sauce that already had vegetables in it, and the rice was microwavable, so all I really did was cook the meat and onions. I think it would taste much better with fresh vegetables, so I'm hoping to remake it soon.