Happy New Year everyone! I hope you spent these past few days with someone you love, doing something you love, with lots of motivation for the year to come. Have you written down your resolutions yet? What ever they may be, I believe in your success towards accomplishing them!

I can't believe it's already 2025... it feels so surreal. I spent the first day hiking with my family, which already checked off a few resolutions. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ This year is going to be huge for me, mainly in terms of life transitions. This summer, I will be graduating college! I'll be done a year early (Thank you AP Classes)! I have also applied to graduate school this cycle, so I really hope this transition includes my enrollment into a program!
Anyways, I wanted to share a few of my own resolutions this year. I am determined to accomplish them all, and will be revisiting them in December!
2025 Resolutions
Overall Goals
- Get into my dream graduate program
- Improve my mental health skills
- Make strides in fulfilling my athletic potential ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
- Improve my art skills
- Learn to cook
- Read more books
Of course, a goal without a plan is simply a wish. You can click here if you'd like to read my plans for each (It's pretty long, though).
Getting Into My Dream Graduate Program
- Prepare for interviews! I never feel prepared enough for interviews, and I tend to do things last minute. My goal is to prepare my answers, outfit, makeup, and hairstyle a week in advance.
- Study consistently. No more cramming! I will come out with a 4.0 GPA this semester.
- Take care of myself. I want to show up as the best version of myself, and that only happens when I take care of myself.
Improving My Mental Health Skills
- Go to therapy. I keep coming up with excuses, thinking that I can handle this on my own. After last year, I know I need some guidance. This is the year where I choose growth.
- Do my own research/homework towards developing skills
I don't really like to talk about my mental health online, but to me, awareness is more important. I want you to know that you are not alone, in whatever you're going through. I hope to create a section dedicated towards mental health on my website when I'm farther along my journey.
Improving my Athleticism
- Choose to walk. Walk ten thousand steps a day.
- Choose the stairs! No more taking the elevator in my apartment.
- Go to the gym. Hit weights and cardio at least four times a week.
- Overall athletic goals:
- Jog a mile! (I have not ran one since freshman year of high school...)
- Do a pull-up.
- Build muscle.
Improving my Art
I want to make art a bigger part of my life. One of my goals is to open a small art business and sell at my local art market. (ㅅ´ ˘ `) Until then, here are some of my creative goals this year!
- Draw
- complete one drawing every month
- make an OC with lore
- Sew
- sew at least one thing every month (can be thrift flip, from scratch, etc.)
- Crochet
- crochet beanies for my family
- finish at least one crochet project...
& most importantly, I want to finish my projects! I have way too many WIPs laying around.
Learn to Cook
I no longer want to show up to potlucks the way I did last year (restaurant food, overbaked bread)... I must learn to cook!
- Plan. I will be on a budget. So it's important to plan my meals, plan my groceries, and use up my groceries.
Read More Books
- Read at least one book a month.
- Reflect on the book!
So those are my resolutions! I ♡ oversharing.