Fairy Tail
With the 100 Years Quest coming out, I had to go back and rewatch the original series. When I was a kid, maybe around nine to ten years old, I used to rush my homework so that I could go back to watching Fairy Tail. Even now, at twenty, I found myself eager to finish writing lab reports so that I could go back and binge Fairy Tail. I love this show with my entire heart.

The Case Study of Vanitas
I picked this up on a whim, after recognizing the name from a conversation with a friend. I was obsessed with Mochizuki's previous series, Pandora Hearts, in Middle School, so I was excited to finally watch this new series. It was really good, and I found myself in the slightest bit of VaniJeanne brainrot after finishing it. I reallllyyyy ship these two, and I'm really happy that they're somewhat canon! Even with a good amount of content out, it really feels like the story is just beginning to unravel, and I'm excited to see what the author has in store.

Kaiju No. 8
Star and I started this show because we needed something to watch while we ate Cane's, and I instantly got hooked. I think this was one of the only things that kept me going during the first few weeks of summer school, because new episodes were still being released. I'm not a huge fan of the art style, but the animation was amazing. I really enjoyed the story though, and went back to reread the manga a few times. I'm super excited for more to come!

Genuinely the best anime I've ever watched. I watched this maybe half a year to a year ago, so I should rewatch it to remember why I felt this way. I loved how refreshing it was though, while being healing at the same time. With most shows, books, or stories, I'm always really impatient to see what happens next. As much as I hate it, I'm always rushing to the destination, instead of enjoying the journey to it. With Frieren, I really enjoyed the slow pace of the characters' journey. I'll definitely be rewatching this soon, and hopefully I'll be able to say more about it.